How to calm yourself in a difficult time.

 It seems as if one said news after another is filled with tragic after another is filled with tragic events around the world. We are all very worried about our health. Most people are cursing their lives for these difficulties. What kind of time is this, in which so many problems have surrounded us together?                 Is there a cure for such miseries of life. There is such a safe place where these sorrows of life can be avoided. There is a life boat, which can save you from this storm. You can reach a state of happiness and peace by coming out of the sorrows of life. The peace free from suffering is within you. This is the place where you can connect with the peace of your soul, get rid of worldly sufferings. You can find that peace within yourself by going in a meditative state. When all such negative news does not  distract you. This is a time full of concentration when you can find that immense energy filled treasure hidden in...

How to remove detachment.

It is not that some people are lost, the whole humanity is lost. That is why the whole of humanity should be treated. Man is pressed, so cultured, that insincerity has become his normal status. Man is not allowed in live like he is. It is tried to mold it into the structure of society.
Disintegration arises from that structure itself. Only one part of your personality is allowed to be expressed, the other part is suppressed. This causes screams within you, breaking down. Here every person is divided into pieces, fighting against himself. Being a human has become an alienation. He cannot relaxed, cannot be calm, cannot be blissful. For this, something has to be done, so that man's insincerity is removed, the scattered sections of man can be united. What has not been expressed has to be expressed. The constant suppression of the unconscious by the conscious mind has to be stopped. Old  methods of meditation do not bother about this, so this methods can be useful only to some extent, only they will have an effect on the periphery. But the division within you will remain, because you have not done anything to erase it. Therefore, my opinion is that first you remove your inner division, become
unbroken from within. Until you become unbroken, nothing can be done. The first thing is to eradicate your insincerity. My method of active meditation accepts your oblivion. This methods mainly starts with catharsis. Whatever is hidden inside is important to get out. You start expressing your emotion. Don't condemn yourself. Accept yourself as you are. Because blasphemy creates division.


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