How to calm yourself in a difficult time.

 It seems as if one said news after another is filled with tragic after another is filled with tragic events around the world. We are all very worried about our health. Most people are cursing their lives for these difficulties. What kind of time is this, in which so many problems have surrounded us together?                 Is there a cure for such miseries of life. There is such a safe place where these sorrows of life can be avoided. There is a life boat, which can save you from this storm. You can reach a state of happiness and peace by coming out of the sorrows of life. The peace free from suffering is within you. This is the place where you can connect with the peace of your soul, get rid of worldly sufferings. You can find that peace within yourself by going in a meditative state. When all such negative news does not  distract you. This is a time full of concentration when you can find that immense energy filled treasure hidden in...

How to get out of trouble


Where the situation is good or bad, how will you behave in that situation, how will you handle that situation? Because there are many people who worry, but worrying will do nothing, because the strength you need to get out of that situation is in you. It will not come from anyone else but from you. But for that you have to look at yourself, not others. We look at others and think, what are they thinking about us! If anyone should think about you, it is you yourself, and no one else. What are you thinking about yourself? Are you happy with yourself or not! When you wake up in the morning, you worry about having a good day today, or they worry about others, because any person can go away from himself, but he does not know how to come close to him. So in this case the only thing that will happen to him is that he will be lost. This is the situation with humans today. He is lost in this world, but he does not know how to come back to his side. There is a story related to this was a person. He was crying on the side of the road one day. He looked like a good house. A man came to him and asked that brother ! Why are you crying ? What hurts you? He said, brother ! I have just got a new marriage and my wife is very good. So that man said brother! It's a good thing. He said not only that, I have just got a new and beautiful house. The man asked, brother you have so much, so why are you crying? He said -I am crying because I do not know where my house is, so how do I go back? If we take this story on our side, then it may be happening to all of us as well, because every thing is with you, but you do not known where it is! The peace you are looking for is already with you. But people do not accept this, and start searching for peace elsewhere. Also, think what to do that will bring peace within you. Just need to accept it. There are many things you do not like. Why are you running towards something you don't like, something you hate? Run upside down and when you run upside down, only then will you be able to get out of that thing, but people forget to do so.  They think that, if they do this then there will be a mess. You will not mess up, because the sympathy you want is also inside you, and the one who saves you is also inside you. Just like the joy you are looking for, it is all inside you. Nothing will happen by worrying, no matter what happens in your life, you have that power, you have that courage, that you can face that trouble.


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