
Showing posts from June, 2020

How to calm yourself in a difficult time.

 It seems as if one said news after another is filled with tragic after another is filled with tragic events around the world. We are all very worried about our health. Most people are cursing their lives for these difficulties. What kind of time is this, in which so many problems have surrounded us together?                 Is there a cure for such miseries of life. There is such a safe place where these sorrows of life can be avoided. There is a life boat, which can save you from this storm. You can reach a state of happiness and peace by coming out of the sorrows of life. The peace free from suffering is within you. This is the place where you can connect with the peace of your soul, get rid of worldly sufferings. You can find that peace within yourself by going in a meditative state. When all such negative news does not  distract you. This is a time full of concentration when you can find that immense energy filled treasure hidden in...

How to increase awareness in life.

Everybody doing selection, but the selection inadvertently is a compulsion. Suppose you get angry right now. You have chosen to be angry. Somewhere you believe that this is the way to handle or handle the situation, but it has been chosen so unconsciously  that it became a compulsion. This is happening on a different ground, so you are living with the selections, but selections are conducted without any awareness subliminal selections. Now the whole issue is to move towards conscious choice. Even a simple thing, like when you wake up in the morning, your unconscious choice is that you don't want get up. When the sun rises, you pull your  sheet up to your face and cover it. Do you realize it? This is an unconscious selections. Your body wants to stay in bed a little longer. For all reasons it does not want to get up. In the experience of little, all such aspects of life are such that in many ways unconsciously you are not keen on the present day . suppose tomorrow you ...

The way of happiness

How to be happy.                                                                                If seen from the perspective of parmarth( charity), then in society someone is in the role of happy. All gimmick plays. Nothing is permanent. Even eternal truth is not. Therefore, humans remember that the role that God has landed in them, he has been expressing that role. If one has to go through any calamity or any dreadful situation, their equality of mind will not be destroyed. He will understand that this is a play of the drama of the ultimate man. This is the sweet feeling that they are finding it difficult to be alone,so we are taking people along. We will continue to do the same role of the drama that people have got. The man who walks with this  attitude will be omnipotent...

How to increase life power

There is healing power in human as well as germs, but only our powerful soul saves us from germs. Life science experts say that the same soul is powerful, the more pure and subtle it is germs or viruses are not easily able to enter such as person full of life. Therefore, make your life power so subtle, holy, and powerful that you can stand firm in the struggles of the world. No matter what struggles are, the body's disease can be resistant, self power increases with this life.             The fibers of knowledge are also tinged with this. The inertia of the intellect is broken by these souls, vitality develops in the cells. It is said that fear, mourning, enjoyment, and extermination affect the soul, so the vital life is affected quickly. The gross soul or full of inertia, then the person will be afraid of disease, enjoyment, bereavement and fear. Will be scared all the time. Due to this fear, tension settles down to the canisters and intelligence sta...

How to get rid of a sad heart

Anyone who has it can give it to others. After understanding this, you will also start being humble. You cannot fill poison inside yourself. The misfortune of the people around them is painful for others. Their mind is disturbed, so they spread unrest. Many times we suffer this pain for weeks, months, and it makes us internally sad. We cannot leave it out of memory in one stroke. This inner sorrow starts to destroy our happiness. This revives the experience of abuse, due to which we become hollow internally. Experiencing those moments again, we have to choose one of those bad behaviours to grow in or out of them. Why do we feel pain those moments are revived one by one? Thoughts generate energy. Negative thoughts generate negative energy, and it hurts. A sad hearts sees the world from the point of view of suffering. The unhappy soul will do everything possible to stop his grief. It is a question of their existence. Therefore the unhappy hearts like to stop or attract pain. It argues f...

How to remove detachment.

It is not that some people are lost, the whole humanity is lost. That is why the whole of humanity should be treated. Man is pressed, so cultured, that insincerity has become his normal status. Man is not allowed in live like he is. It is tried to mold it into the structure of society. Disintegration arises from that structure itself. Only one part of your personality is allowed to be expressed, the other part is suppressed. This causes screams within you, breaking down. Here every person is divided into pieces, fighting against himself. Being a human has become an alienation. He cannot relaxed, cannot be calm, cannot be blissful. For this, something has to be done, so that man's insincerity is removed, the scattered sections of man can be united. What has not been expressed has to be expressed. The constant suppression of the unconscious by the conscious mind has to be stopped. Old  methods of meditation do not bother about this, so this methods can be useful only to some exte...

How to increase your ability to overcome the deficiency.

Work is accomplished by essence not by things. To prove a work essence  quality should be increased and what should we do to increase essence. The right diet, right behavior and relaxation of your mind. In spite of this, even if someone loses, then the essence quality does not let the enthusiasm less, and then there is no question of giving up. When it feels like winning, i feel like playing again and again. Sometimes a defeat is also felt, but there is confidence in the mind to do something good. This happens when there is reverence for work. Likewise, with peace and enthusiasm in mind, many people kept fighting for freedom. There was no money for such people, they did not steal, but those people did not back down. The next reason is the reason for losing. Every defeat is a step towards victory. Sometimes there may be a deficiency in itself or sometimes there may be a deficiency in the system. Such as lack in oneself no one has performed correctly. Just like when you go to one in...

Celebration of life

You have to start the journey from where you are. Now you sit in the base and imagine a millennium, everyday will be false. Then there is no reason to be unhappy in it, because the journey can begin from where it is. Do not even get worried that hey! other people are ahead of me, and I am behind. Do not be compared to others, otherwise you will become miserable. Always understand your status. Do not aspire to achieve the status as apposed to your status. You agree with your dullness. You quit trying to get out of it. You sit in this posture. You say I am not dull, flowers will not blossom within me, there will be dessert inside me. The desert also has its own beauty. The deserts also has its far reaching borders. Beauty is hidden in itself. There is nothing wrong with being deserts. If the divine has wanted to be a desert within you, you accept it. You will find my words harsh because you want to be quick to blush. You want someone to give you the key, any formula caught you in the ha...

Release anger make love

Everyday we live in many situation, which can provoke anger. We get angry when someone hurts us. Seeing hurting others would make us angry. We can also find cases of social justice in which a group of individuals is suffering injustice in society. In all these cases, we may feel that something is going wrong. It is possible that we cannot ignore what is happening. The difference is how we react to injustice. We have all the ability to decide that we can react with anger or we can control anger, turn it into love. We can calm the fire of anger with love. During the quarrel, in of speaking in a rage, we should use the ointment of sweetness. Instead of promoting anger - filled thoughts in the environment, we should spread love - filled thoughts, so that the environment becomes clear. Such a reaction makes us snatched, powerless. But if we put our energy into loving response then not only will we bring co- ordination in the situation, but we will also get energy from that love ourse...

How to manage our health life

As much as clean air and balanced food is necessary for good health, it is equally important that with whom do you sit and rise? In which environment do you live and also how much respect are there for the people around you. There another popular fact full of intelligence, which has been forgotten in modern times, or whose importance is no longer ignored. In view of the situation of our society at the present time, it would not be wrong to say that we are attracted to unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy food and drink, where we eat fast food and sugar filled food instead of home made food, sleep less exercise less neither do we have anyone to talk to. We just keep worrying. Our life is running very fast. If we are lucky, we can enjoy better health by joining a yoga class or learning the art of meditation. But many of us are also struggling to lift the remote by lying the couch in front of televisions. Here you have the option, real food full of energy to spend real time with family and fri...

Do mind reasarch In the context of mind research, compassion and love are based on the recognisation of the simple fact that like me, others also wish to be naturally happy. Others like me have the natural right to fulfil that basic desire. For a person, the development of tolerance is fundamental. There is no prejudice in this. It is possible to reach compassion to all the elements, as long as they have the memory of the experience of sufferings and happiness. In Buddhist tradition, the first priority in the refinement of compassion is the refinement of the feeling of affinity or equality towards all elements. You can think that such and such person can be your friend, your relative in this life but this person from a Buddhist point of view in your past life, you must have been a very big enemy. You used the same type of logic for a person whom you consider an enemy. Although this person may be negative towards you and your enemy in this life, but he must have been your best frien...

How to live happy: some motivational quatation images
